FAITH5 Inc exists to provide resources and inspiration to help leaders grow resilient children, enrich family communication.
The psychology, sociology, neurology and theology each of our five faith practices weave into a nightly “enrichuals” that are so simple even a 4-year-old can lead them.
We work to redefine:
WORSHIP: As a vehicle that brings worth to God every week in a Cross+Generational small group and every night in every home.
LITURGY: As a work of the people rejoicing with those who rejoice and weeping with those who weep every week in a Cross+Generational small group and every night in every home.
PASTORAL CARE: As relational acts of tending the flock of God that is in your charge by calling all faithful to share highs and lows, read and dwell on God’s Word, talk about how God’s Word might intersect with their highs and lows (text + context) every week in a Cross+Generational small group and every night in every home.
Sunday School: As a “Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday” caring conversation and faith engagement every week in a Cross+Generational small group and… you get it. (And while we’re at it, we’ll end the drop-off “Sunday School” and outsourcing of faith formation forever!)
COMING SOON: FAITH5 will form the core of all new children, youth and family resources from our partners at Our Daily Bread beginning in 2025.
It’s not a different way to do home devotions. It’s a different way to be the church.