Bible Song
Sing, sign, skit, learn and laugh your way through the Bible narrative!
Bible Song builds a fun and life-giving cross+generational ministry by combining NeuroEducation* with the senses, humor, and hearts of people of all ages. Built on FAITH5 at the core, you’ll both learn the Bible narrative like never before and bond generations together in learning, creativity, care and fun!
Every lesson comes with a comedy skit to introduce the story, cartoon handouts, games, a verbatim Bible Song taught in American Sign Language (ASL), sheet music, mp3s, and an easy-to-use PowerPoint presentation with slide-by-slide Leader’s Guide instructions to minimize prep time.
The Books of Moses
The Lord God made an absolutely beautiful world, but Adam and Eve messed up big time and got kicked out of paradise. Now they and their descendants are trying to make it back to the Garden, but here's a clue: They'll never make it on their own! The Creator is going to have to come up with a people, a place and a new plan to save them.
Included Lessons:
The Fall
The Great Flood
Abraham's Call
Sacrifice of Isaac
The Heavenly Ladder
Joseph's Coat
The Call of Moses
The Passover
Into the Sea
The Ten Commandments
The Golden Calf
Aaron's Blessing
The Spies Return
Moses' Last Call
With every membership you will receive 5 Books of Moses Journals..
Books of Moses Journals are available here at a special price.
Annual Membership Fee: $299.95
Into the Promised Land
Moses is dead. General Joshua stands on the edge of the land promised four hundred years earlier to God's people. They are ready to enter, but the inhabitants of the land aren't exactly happy to see them coming. God leads Israel with generals and judges, prophets and kings as they carve out their place and struggle to remain faithful to God amid wars, prosperity and temptations.
This second unit of Bible Song will get the whole family involved in nightly discussions about staying faithful to God when surrounded by dangerous influences.
Included Lessons:
Jericho's Wall
Joshua's Call
Deborah and the Judges
Ruth's Loyalty
We Want a King
David and the Giant
David's Great Escapes
Solomon's Wisdom
God Sees All
Judah's Last Chance
Jeremiah and the Exile
The Exiles Return
Rebuilding the Walls
Esther's Gamble
Job's Big Test
With every membership you will receive 5 Promised Land Journals.
Into the Promised Land Journals are available here at a special price.
Annual Membership Fee: $299.95
The Songs of Israel
Lost sheep. Scattered seeds. Late night visitors. Buried treasure. Wedding feasts with empty seats. Houses built on rock and sand. Jesus knew how to tell stories. Some people were delighted by his enduring parables. Others saw them as dangerous and wanted him dead!
Included Lessons:
The Great Escape
In My Father's House
Songs, Psalms and Seeds
The Lost Sheep
The Rich Fool
The Wedding Feast
A Friend in the Night
Two Guys in the Temple
House on the Rock
The Two Sons
Clever Bridesmaids
The Grumblin' Grape Growers
The Two Debtors
Buried Treasure
The Rich Man and Lazarus
With every membership you will receive 5 Songs of Israel Journals.
Songs of Israel Journals are available here at a special price.
Annual Membership Fee: $299.95
The Good News
Something strange and wonderful was about to take place. A new star was shining, a young girl was beaming, star-gazers and soothsayers were on the move to find a new king and angels were popping up all over the place announcing that God was getting ready to break into the world! What was this star? Who was this girl? And what was this "Good News" that the angels were announcing?
Included Lessons:
God's Big Plan
Mary's Song
The Birth of Jesus
Baptism and Wilderness
Fishing for People
The Great Prophet
The Great Teacher
The Great Commandment
The Great Question
The Great Answer
One Tough Week
A Not-So-Good Friday
Sunday Surprise
A Guest for Supper
The Great Commission
With every membership you will receive 5 Good News Journals.
Good News Journals are available here at a special price.
Annual Membership Fee: $299.95
Word Spreads
Riots. Jailbreaks. Shipwrecks. Stonings. Miracles galore. Assassination plots. Daring escapes. Empires in revolt and a world turned upside down. All this because of a wandering rabbi and his ragtag band of followers who claim he was raised from the dead! How did it happen? Who started it? Who could stop it? And where would it all end?
Included Lessons:
The Holy Spirit Comes
Damascus Road
Saul to Paul
Tabitha Arise!
Philip and the Ethiopian
Peter's Vision
A Rocky Start
European Vacation
Greek to Me
Traveling Tentmakers
That's a Riot
40 Assassins
Get Agrippa On It
With every membership you will receive 5 Word Spreads Journals.
Word Spreads Journals are available here at a special price.
Annual Membership Fee: $299.95