FAITH5 Conversations
Engage the wisdom of the elder and the wonder of the child every week at church and every night in every home with these BIG life themes
Lord’s Prayer
Ten Commandments
Apostles’ Creed & More
You can’t teach a 4-year-old, a 14-year-old, a 44-year old and an 84-year-old in the same space. Right?
Maybe not.
It depends on what you’re trying to teach and how you’re trying to teach it.
If you’re interested in teaching people how to be a family, it might work.
If you’re interested in practicing active listening, empathy, and relating God’s Word to people’s highs and lows, it’s actually quite easy with FAITH5 at the core. If you’re interested in modeling praying for one another’s highs and closing every session - and every night in every home - with a blessing, you might be able to pull it off.
If you’re interested in engaging in basic Biblical themes with all ages and stages using loads of beautiful visuals, music, humor and creative hands-on arts, this curriculum is absolutely fun and fine and maybe even dazzling.
And simple to implement.
Apostles' Creed
Connect the wisdom of the elder and the wonder of the child to key themes of this early Christian Creed as you explore, create and grow in your understanding of the nature of God.
Sessions Include:
God the Creator
God the Preserver
God the Provider
Jesus the Savior
Jesus the Redeemer
Jesus the Lord
The Holy Spirit
Church & Saints
Resurrection & Eternal Life
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Annual License: $149.50
Ten Commandments
God’s good and gracious will for your life come alive with these timeless teachings and the sometimes surprising insights of all ages and stages in your Cross+Gen community.
Sessions Include:
Gods and Idols
Name in Vain
Honoring Parents
False Witness
Ten Commandment Review
This product is an instant-download digital file. You will receive a download link as soon as your payment is successfully processed.
Annual License: $149.50
Lord's Prayer
The beauty, depth and wonder of the greatest prayer ever whispered is explored and celebrated in the sacred space of your Cross+Gen community.
Sessions Include:
Our Father
Kingdom Come
Will Be Done
Daily Bread
Forgive Us
Time of Trial
Deliver Us From Evil
The Doxology
Lord’s Prayer Review
This product is an instant-download digital file. You will receive a download link as soon as your payment is successfully processed.
Annual License: $149.50
The Sacraments
Baptism and Holy Communion are explored in the context of Luther’s understandings and the highs and lows of a Cross+Generational small group community.
Sessions include:
The Sacrament of Baptism
One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism
Newness of Life
The Sacrament of Holy Communion
Passover to Last Supper
Taste and See
This product is an instant-download digital file. You will receive a download link as soon as your payment is successfully processed.
Annual License: $124.50
Luther and the Reformation
Enjoy up to 12 weeks on the history of the Reformation, the heritage it left the world and the future of the ever-reforming church
Experience history like you’ve never experienced it before. Feast your eyes on the stunning graphic novel art. Immerse your thoughts and conversations into the life, faith and courage of that one solitary monk who shook the world while ushering the Medieval Era out and the Modern Era in with his “Here I stand!”
Sessions Include:
The Stormy Monk
Doing Penance
Dark Night of the Soul
Peace With God
The Door
Trouble, Trouble, Trouble
Storm Clouds Gather
Heretic’s Trial
Fanning the Flames
The World Unravels
Luther: A Legacy
This product is an instant-download digital file. You will receive a download link as soon as your payment is successfully processed.
Annual License: $169.50
Graphic Novel: Special Supplement to the Luther Themes
Add humor, wit, and meticulous historic detail to your conversations with this spell-binding tale of courage, deception, and a world about to unravel. Written by Dr. Rich Melheim. Illustrated by Sherwin Schwartzrok, Jonathan Koelsch and Tim Kane.
72 pages, full colorStandard Graphic Novel Size: 6.5 x 10.25 inches